May God bless you with Wisdom, Understanding, in Love and Compassion. 

Just click on the subject of interest.
Please notice that in each subject, the teachings are listed in 3 groups: Principles, Intermediate and Advance; if you are new to a subject, follow this order, it will be easier to learn.


Mahamudra, in Vajrayana (Tantric) Buddhism, the final goal, the union of all apparent dualities.


Dzogchen focuses above all on our True Nature, which is seen as a primordially pure, empty, and luminous gnosis (yeshe) or awareness (rigpa).


The ultimate reality, beyond duality and, which we arrive by focusing on the universal energy as  means of awakening Shiva, our True Being.


Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, cultivating our energy and transmuting our experience through it.


 Kabbalah is 'that which is received.'  We must open ourselves, creating a vessel in which we open the self to a higher reality, and the divine within all creation is revealed.


Deep Psychology is the most recent path of liberation, specially if we include the Body in the process.


Or Magic, is a way of knowledge, practiced worldwide. Its deepest goal is to become fully awaken and actiualize our potentiality in order to serve others and Creation.


Contains wisdom activities to aliviate suffering, and in itself a path for the ultimate liberation of suffering and ignorance.

This teachings contain the some unique flavors for practicing Wisdom and Compassion.